
How To Put A Stove On Egyptian Base Camp Sims 3

How to create a base campsite

POSTED ON x/28/14

Y'all must first accept World Adventures.  From within the game you are playing, click on the main carte du jour and select Edit Town. In the top left on your screen, you will see the icons for Arab republic of egypt, People's republic of china, and French republic.  Click on the world yous desire to edit.

Pace past Footstep:

1.  Unlock the base army camp with the post-obit commands:

testingcheatsenabled true

enablelotlocking true

     Then click on the lock icon to open information technology.   Now apply the bulldozer and demolish the lot.  The lot will be renamed something like No Visitors Immune.

2.  Select the lot and choose edit.  Now you lot volition be on the fresh lot.

3.  Level the lot to clean upwards any bumps or dead zones that volition inhibit Sim activities and interactions and/or placement of items requiring level land to function properly.

four.  Choose where you want the front entrance to be and go out a clear 2x4 surface area open for the placement of the adventure sign at the entrance from edge of the lot.

5.  Throughout the residual of the lot, (this is temporary) pretend you are building a behemothic house.  Build a wall going effectually the entire lot leaving only that 2x4 space open for the game to place the Take chances Board in that opening.  Brand sure the walls are equally far out every bit possible (leaving only one square block available around the entire perimeter.)

half dozen.  Click on edit and rename the customs lot to Base of operations Camp.  The game will employ the base campsite icon to the lot.  Click on the lot to edit it.

7.  Now yous are back on the lot.   If you only left that 2x4 space available, the Adventure Board will be there.  If yous accidentally left more opening on the lot, then the Adventure board may have likely been placed elsewhere.  Yous will have to bulldoze the lot and start over again.

8.  One time the Adventure Board is in place, you tin now remove all the backlog walls.  Be certain Not to always click on the Adventure Board to move information technology, alter its color, etc.   Leave it alone.

9.  To have a bang-up quality stove in the base camp kitchen, use the Design tool past clicking on the icon to the correct of the filigree icon.  (It looks like a pair of pliers to me.)

x.  Click on KITCHENS and select the largest kitchen.   It has the best oven and fridge from the base game -- both of which produce tasty meals.  Practice Not move the oven.

11.  For suites with the good oven, click on MISC and select contemporary suite.   When you place information technology, yous volition see it has an open flooring programme with a bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room and kitchen.  The kitchen has the skilful stove in it, but a lower quality fridge which y'all will desire to supplant with a high quality one .

12.  Make sure that if you are putting bedrooms on the lot, that you take at least 2 double beds for married Sims, and have a full of 20 beds.  Previously, I only had x beds and concluded up with Explorers passing out from nowhere to lay their sleepy heads.  I don't like ghosts and haunted base of operations camps.

xiii.  If you lot are going to have a fireplace, make sure it is the one that does Not ready on fire.   The base game provides one fireproof fireplace -- the large i with a curtain.   Also, Supernatural has a lovely gothic fireplace with born mirror that is fireproof.

14.  Alternately, if you practice not want to build a 2-story structure with enough of beds, get out enough of open up flat space in the open footing surface area.   Make sure your Sim has enough of coin (use cheat motherlode to add $l,000 at a fourth dimension to their available funds) and have your Sim buy many tents at the full general store.  And so get dorsum to base campsite and have your Sim "place" the tents.  That will create open tents for other Explorers to utilise.

Benefits of creating your own base of operations camps:

  • You become to improve the quality of everything for your Sim'south Chance experience.  Better tasting food when they cook, amend beds for a expert night's sleep, loftier comfort seating, high quality stereos and TVs, beautiful decorations, etc.
  • You can place a puddle, musical instruments, games, etc. on the property for interacting with other Sims and to continue building your Sim's skills.
  • Your Sim will now be able to have visitors on the base camp lot, throw parties on the base of operations army camp, and grouping upward, etc. just similar as if it were their "home".
  • Until now, the local people could not come onto a base camp with your Sim.  Only fellow explorers and pesky paparazzi could come into base camps until you create your ain.


Unless you want your Sim's time to be tied upward in gardening, do not place vegetables or fruit trees in the base camp.  Your Sims will be obligated to take intendance of them.

Creating your ain base camp in World Adventures

POSTED ON ten/20/14

I'm having to express joy at myself.  It took me near seven days to figure out why I couldn't share my base camps.

  • I constitute information technology easy to ditch the original base camps created for us in France, Egypt, and Mainland china.
  • There was no problem saving my progress and finalized lots to my library.
  • I struggled with the fact that my upload to my launcher went perfectly well... but I could not consign the base camp lots.
  • I thought the size in megabites might be the trouble, and so I would start over again, and kept downsizing the amount of items I was putting on the lot -- fewer decorations, hardly any planters, fewer windows, etc..
  • Besides, even though the lots were saved into my library, I could not place the lot without it losing the stoves, and also the Hazard Board and Mailbox.

Afterward about 7 days and 5 lots later, I realized in that location was a rule of limitation existence applied.   Come across the following things I have learned (from feel) we CANNOT "share" in Sims:

1. Base camps from Globe Adventures

     You can create a base camp in any of the three adventures, but... y'all cannot take information technology with you and you cannot requite information technology away.    No sharing even with yourself.

     Only, y'all can make your base camp as elaborate and expensive as you desire.  Deck it out with all kinds of civilities and the best of the all-time in furnishing and appliances -- except you cannot switch out the stove from the all-time one in BLUEPRINTS.  Withal, you can add the bakery's oven, the Japanese grill, etc.

2. Unicorns from Pets

     Unicorns are game generated.  You cannot create a unicorn.

      Your adopted unicorn tin ally a horse and reproduce.  They can have babies which grow up to exist unicorns and keep the lineage or unicorns and horses.

       You can edit a Unicorn in Create-A-Sim (CAS), and so save it to your library.   Just you cannot share it outside of your own game.

3. Mermaids from Paradise Island

     Mermaid are game generated.   You lot CANNOT create a mermaid.   (Beware of downloading whatsoever mermaid from The Commutation.   Information technology's illegal and will have "RAR mods" in information technology that will create issues in your game.)

     Mermaids can marry humans and produce mermaid children.

      You can edit your mermaids in CAS and relieve them to your library.  Merely you cannot share them.

I hope this information is helpful.   My goal is to reduce the frustration of working and so difficult on a lot to share information technology, only to find out the game refuses to upload your many invested hours of work to your Studio, and thus, the Exchange.

In the about future, I will write another blog to draw how to create a base camp AND what the trick is to having a high quality stove in the kitchen and so your Sims will enjoy a dandy tasting meal.

Happy Simming!

Linda Lee


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